Secure Your Home

As well as the loss of valued possessions, burglary is an intrusive crime that leaves its victims with a loss of their sense of privacy and security. Our busy lives can keep us away from home more than ever, so here are a few precautions to safeguard your property.
Social Networking
A relatively new factor that could be putting your home’s security at risk is social media. By sharing plans, photos, current statuses and locations with friends online, you could be inadvertently calling out to thieves and letting them know exactly when your house is empty. Educate yourself on your chosen platform’s privacy settings and make sure you have them set appropriately, e.g. Facebook will allow you to select who can see your posts. Without implementing your privacy settings, anyone with access to the internet will be able to view your information. You will also need to ensure that people you accept as connections are trusted, as they will easily see from your activity online when you are and aren’t at home.
A Trusted Neighbour
A trusted neighbour is a significant help in keeping your home secure while you’re away. In addition to simply keeping an eye out for you, you could ask them to complete some simple tasks to deter would-be burglars, e.g. park their car outside your home; collect your post, milk and newspapers; and turn on lights in the evening and close blinds or curtains. You should also leave some contact details with your neighbour in the unlikely event of an emergency.
By offering to return the favour when they are away from home, you will build a useful and valuable relationship that will help keep your property safe.
Lock Up
Lock doors, windows, gates and side-entrances where possible before you leave. Any points of entry that are obscured from the view of a public road or neighbour, e.g. a window or door at the back, are particularly important to secure. If you have a trusted neighbour who is going to complete the steps discussed above for you, ensure you advise them as to how they will access your property. You might consider giving them a key to your front door and advise them that all other entrances will remain locked.Store valuable items such as jewellery and cash in a safe place while you are away; we recommend purchasing a strong safe for your home or a safe deposit box in your local bank.
Home Automation
Using timers to set lights around your home to turn on and off intermittently will create the impression that it is occupied, and will reduce the burden on your neighbour. There are a number of technologies available for this purpose.
Home Insurance
Before you travel, ensure that your home insurance is valid and up to date. In the unfortunate event of a burglary or other accident, while you’re away, it will at least provide some financial compensation.
Mowed Lawns
Cut your grass before you leave as an overgrown lawn is a sign that a house has been unattended for a while.
Security Systems
For enhanced home security, consider the array of monitored house alarm services on the market, as well as CCTV camera systems available in Topline stores nationwide.
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