How to Remove Wallpaper
Removing old wallpaper rather than painting over it will help to achieve better long-term results. We have compiled a series of simple yet effective steps to help you remove that old, dull wallpaper from your room.
Prepare Area
Place a protective floor covering such as a dust sheet or tarpaulin on the floor below the walls that are to be worked on. At the mains, turn off the power to outlets in the room to prevent an accident.
Prepare Wallpaper
To prepare the wallpaper for application of the solution, use an instrument such as a wallpaper scorer or similar to make several small holes in the wallpaper.
Apply Stripper
If it’s not in one already, pour the wallpaper stripper into a container that will allow you to soak the wall easily, e.g. a spray bottle. Working in sections, thoroughly spray each area of wallpaper to soak it with the stripper.
Remove Wallpaper
Give the stripper several minutes to work before grasping the lower corners of the paper and carefully pulling upwards. Use the scraper to assist you. If you have difficulty, repeat the process of applying the stripper to the wall until the wallpaper comes off easily. Finally, scrub down the walls with warm water and washing-up liquid to remove any remaining adhesive, then allow it to dry.
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